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Hailfax Taxes

Canada Revenue Agency
(800) 267-6999

Canada has a wide variety of social programs, and the money for them has to come from somewhere.  Canadian taxes are generally slightly higher in total than those in the US, though it’s broken down a little differently, because the Provinces are generally in charge of the specific social programs instead of the federal government.  As a Canadian resident, you are required to pay taxes here.  The Canada Revenue Agency’s website has many helpful tools to help you figure out what your tax liability is.

US citizens’ income tax liabilities are based on worldwide income, so you’re still responsible to pay the IRS on income earned in Canada or other countries.  You do get an $80,000 dollar exemption on money you earn overseas, so the tax burden will be significantly lower.  You can also get foreign tax credit because of how much you’re paying in Canada.  The best move is to let a tax professional help you out with the paperwork.

Sales Tax
In Nova Scotia, sales taxes are levied by both the federal and provincial governments. Traditionally, the revenues (or their equivalents) were used to finance the provincial health care system. Today, these two sales taxes are blended so that you only pay one amount. This shared sales tax is called the HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) and each government receives roughly half. Currently, the HST in Nova Scotia is 14 per cent and applies to most goods and services purchased in the province.

Property Tax
In Nova Scotia, most property owners must pay a yearly tax on the assessed value of their property. This tax is the main source of revenue used by municipalities in providing services such as maintenance, fire protection, garbage collection, etc.

 While the municipal governments decide what the actual tax rate will be, they do not make the property assessments. Instead, the provincial government, through Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations, is responsible for producing the assessments for all properties within Nova Scotia. In short, the province performs the assessments and the municipal governments set the tax rate and collect the property taxes.


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