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San Bernardino-Riverside Public Transportation

Riverside Transit Agency
The RTA is the primary provider of fixed route and paratransit services throughout a 2,500 square mile area in Western Riverside County, California. Their mission is to “provide for a variety of transportation needs in a cost effective and efficient manner, for all the residents of our member communities.” The agency is committed to providing safe, reliable, courteous, accessible, innovative, and user-friendly transit services to our customers. This web resource provides accurate, up-to-date information about bus routes and times schedules that are designed to meet some of our community’s growing transportation needs.

Park And Ride Locations
To assist you with your commuting needs, a list of all Park and Ride sites located in Riverside County is provided below. Use of Park and Ride sites is free to the public and available to commuters who share a ride to work by transit, buspool or carpool.

Park and Ride is a public/private partnership between the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC), Caltrans and property owners. RCTC takes the lead in establishing leased Park and Ride locations pursuant to its charge in implementing Measure A, the 1/2 cent sales tax for transportation. Riverside County voters approved Measure A by 79% in 1988. The 20 year Measure plan identified specified highway improvement projects (Routes 91, 74, 79, 111) to be completed, as well as services to support commuters who rideshare. In November 2002, Riverside County voters renewed Measure A for an additional 30 years.

If you need additional Park and Ride information, visit the RCTC website at or call its Teleservices hotline at 1-866-RIDESHARE.

Commuter Rail
Metro Link, the commuter train between Los Angeles and Riverside, with stops in between. There are two terminals in the area. The first in the Marketplace (near Mission Inn Avenue and Park Avenue), and the second in Pedley (Van Buren and Limonite Avenues). Call 1-800-371-LINK for station locations and departure times.


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