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Paris Currency & Banking

Currency is the Euro (EUR). The notes are in denominations of 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, and 5 euro. The denominations of coins are 2 euro, 1 euro, 50 euro cent, 20 euro cent, 10 euro cent, 5 euro cent, 2 euro cent, and 1 euro cent. The easiest method of securing cash at the best exchange rate is to make withdrawals using a US credit card from the ATM machines found at the major banks and stores.

Western Union
08 25 82 58 42

Money can be sent directly by phone if the sender has a credit card; the sender does not need to go to a Western Union office. Western Union accepts Visa and MasterCard. The money will arrive in France within one hour.  The money should be sent directly to the recipient at a designated Western Union office in France. There are several locations where the funds can be picked up.  You may verify which location is closest to you by using the phone number or website listed above.

All of the firms listed below have at least one employee or agent who can speak and correspond in English.

Banque Nationale de Paris
136 avenue des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris
01 40 76 24 00

Chase Manhattan
14, Place Vendôme
75001 Paris
01 40 15 45 00

125 avenue des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris
01 53 23 33 60

Credit Agricole
91-93 Boulevard Pasteur
75015 Paris
01 43 23 52 02

Credit Commercial de France
103 avenue des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris
01 40 70 70 40

Credit Lyonnais
15 Boulevard des Italiens
75002 Paris
01 42 95 70 00

Lloyds Bank
15 avenue d’Iena
75016 Paris
01 40 82 30 00

Republis National Bank of New York
20 Place Vendôme
75001 Paris
01 44 86 18 61


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